Women, Land & Soil Health

 Registration is closed for this event
Soil health 101

Join Women, Land & Legacy and Women Caring for the Land on August 4th from 1-3 p.m. CT for a fun and informative virtual soil health 101 session, "Women, Land & Soil Health". We'll network, learn about soil basics, showcase soil health demonstrations that you can do at home, and share how to get assistance with installing conservation practices on the land. Each participant will receive a soil health info. package mailed to them after the event, which will include nitrate test strips.

This event is free and on-line. Though some of the information will be Iowa specific, women from any location are welcome to attend. For more information and questions contact Wren Almitra, wren@wfan.org, 215-384-3094.

Women, Land & Legacy, a USDA program, and Women Caring for the Land are coordinated through the Women, Food & Agriculture Network. More at www.wfan.org.

USDA is an equal opportunity employer, provider, and lender. USDA and Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability. For more go to http://www.USDA.gov.
August 4, 2020 from  1:00 PM to  3:00 PM