Conference Scholarship Application Form

Conference Scholarship Application
WFAN targets these scholarships to women who want to learn more about agricultural conservation. Funds may be used toward registration fees, travel, lodging, child care, or replacement labor. Our intent is to provide money that isn't readily available elsewhere, and to allow women to help other women access education that they couldn't afford otherwise. We do not research an applicant's financial means; we simply ask applicants to only apply if this scholarship is the difference between accessing this education and not having access to it. Scholarships can cover up to 75 percent of event costs, but to stretch these funds to as many women as possible each scholarship has a max of $150. Applications must be submitted to WFAN at least six weeks prior to the event. We periodically review the applications that we receive, and we will inform you as soon as your application is reviewed, usually within two weeks of receipt. The WFAN selection committee reserves the right to reject incomplete applications, or to return incomplete or unclear applications for additional information. If you have questions please contact us at or call 515-460-2477.
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